Kamis, 12 April 2012

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never.. well they actually will.

Okay. It's been awhile and all that shit. You all know the drill. So, I'm writing this post here today mostly because something has been quite disturbing me. And oh well, ya know, all I can do is to whine and complain about it. I swear to god if there were a job that makes complaints as their biggest asset, I would be promoted pretty quickly. Back to the core of my opening paragraph, I will now start to talk all about how much hate I have to this world. Enjoy.

So, a lot of you know about bullies and how bullying goes. And that, my friend, is what I'm going to talk about. We all know that in the last post where I complained about something, I mentioned a little bit about how bullying in my school goes. They fucking talk. Fucking that's it. Now, I know in that post, I also said that insults won't actually hurt other people. But damn, I haven't checked the news flash. Oh you haven't either? News flash, dumbfucks, words could actually do harm to others.

I know I'm pretty fucking liberal on living in this hell hole. But being liberal doesn't mean that you fucking ignore people for doing something that's not right. Yeah, I know, it's not my business. But when it comes to justice, I'll always be there to help. Damn straight. You can call me a loser or whatever you fucking want, but I will always fight for what I believe in. And you know what? I don't believe in bullying. And I don't think people who actually have brains will comment on that. Oh, you want to know why? 

Because it makes no fucking sense. 

So, okay, you were harassed or abused or you don't get many attention in wherever you fucking live, but it doesn't make hurting other people okay. It doesn't make playing with their feelings okay. And I don't fucking see the point. What does bullying do to you? Does it make you happier? Does it make you stronger? Does it make you a better person? Does it fucking give you any benefit at all? No, it doesn't. So stop making a fool of yourself. It fucking frustrates me.

Back to the discussion. Bullies in my school just talk. And yes, we should've been the stronger one by not breaking down or fucking be the better man by taking it all in. But we can't deny the fact that we're human beings. We actually have things that're called feelings. Some people look like they don't, but they fucking do, okay. Stop treating others like fucking shit and just be okay with it. Because frankly, I'm really not okay with it. It's fucking stupid and yeah, it's kind of hilarious.

Maybe you don't realize it, but words could hurt, even if you don't mean it. It actually does things to other people. Hell, words could make people laugh, smile, scared, happy, sad, or even fucking kill themselves. Why? Because it actually mean something. And yeah, morons, words were meant to be meaningful. That's where stupid douchebags bullies got it all wrong. And don't get me wrong, bullies have feelings too, somewhere inside those shrimp heads. But their brain is so small that their hearts stop trying. So, don't bother trying to do something about that, people. Words could be harmful. People should know. But not only knowing it, people should be very careful when it comes to words. Because even though they're awesome and sometimes magical, they could break someone down without having the hope to get back up.

So, I'm just gonna say it. Dear, bullies, stop being such twats and fucking learn a little, would you? Because we've all been hurt by words before. Been there, done that. Maybe a little careful on words could change the whole society and make this rotten hell a better place than it is now.

I know I'm not being realistic. But fucking hell, sometimes I have to be a dreamer when it comes to something this impossible. Because I know there's no way that bullies will be able to change their fucking behaviour. They're too stupid to do so. Maybe in their late lives, they would eventually realize that words hurt. Well if that doesn't happen, it's not worth to try to show them. But I'm pretty sure they would realize eventually that fact is, they're not cool whatsoever. They would realize that they were assholes that whole time and things they did was so idiotic. Amen.

So, I'm gonna set up some explanations on how words could actually hurt. Everyone has something that can push them into their edges. Maybe that fat girl doesn't want you to point out that she's fat because clearly that's something that she already took notice of. Maybe that girl-ish boy doesn't want to act like boys, not because he's gay, but because he just doesn't like to act like an asshole. Maybe that super thin girl doesn't eat because she got some sort of disease from nowdays fashion magazines. Maybe that super smart girl doesn't want to get a bad score because her mom would abuse her if she does. Maybe that asshole is a nice guy that became friends with a wrong group of people. Maybe that quiet girl that doesn't have much friends is so insecure about herself because people around her has a double standart when it comes to relationships. Maybe that nice girl turned into an emo and hurt herself because her parents got a divorce and she couldn't stand that kind of pain, so she settled with a different kind of pain. And many fucking else. You can't just comment on them with your vicious words and be okay with it. Because what you don't know is those words you say to them, the insults, the humiliation, the fucking names, could send them to the edge of their lives. One day you insult them with no feelings, and the other day you cry endlessly because they killed themselves because of your words. Only simple words. One simple insult, whatever that is, could make suicide as an option for those people.

So, next time you want to talk about someone in a bad way, be more careful with your choice of words. I would gladly appreciate that. Because I know how hurtful insults are. They might sound funny and everything, but they have certain affects on certain people. Please, stop being a fucking dumb asshole.

Stop sending people to their edges.

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