Senin, 30 Mei 2011

I wanna act misterious and all but i'm just not that type

HAHA judulnya.ya terserah,random things just keep popping out of my head.hari jumat kemaren dan hari senin ini gue ga masuk.kenapa?haha kenapa ya?haha ahah ahah haha.stop.

ok gue ceritain.inget ga hari kamis?dimana hidup gue sangat bahagia dan penuh warna kayak
trus kita ke pelajaran seni budaya.bener2 bebas di aula.itu aja gue udah lemes dan cuma tidur di atas matras.berikutnya ekskul basket dan gue ga ekskul gara2 emang pelatihnya ga dateng.

pas pulang...............gue langsung tidur siang.padahal gue ga pernah tidur siang seumur hidup.
dari situ gue udah tau.ada yang salah.

malemnya gue bangun mual2 putus asa
yah,kayaknya gue sakit

malemnya gue tidur.besoknya gue bangun.udah siap ke sekolah.but then the puke insident happened. sekolah.yep,my breath smelled like barf and it's not even funny.

hari sabtu dan minggu gue lewati dengan nonton tv,tidur,dll.rekor.gue ga main internet 2 hari.merasa ketinggalan.ah sekarang juga pas gue cek2,dashboard blogger sepi.sampah.

hari senin aka hari ini ceritanya gue mau sekolah.tapi tadi pagi gue bergerak lambat banget.sikat gigi aja capek HAHA payah oi pokoknya.gue udah siap berseragam.nyokap "kamu jangan sekolah dulu deh"
gue menghabiskan waktu dari jam 6 pagi sampe jam 1 siang buat tidur.sekarang masih agak agak.semoga besok bisa masuk ya tuhan.di rumah bosen.sepi.oh,kenapa gue sakit pas ulang tahun orang ganteng
happy birthday ya boyyy

ok.di balik berita buruk,selalu ada berita baik.I FOUND THESE
MERCEDES.just.i can't even.

OH and by the way,tomorrow will be the rumours episode on tv.okay,i'll buy the tissues know.for the songbird scene.i dunno bout you guys,but i'll probably be like

oh dan tentang fanfic.gue mo pensiun dulu.dengan adanya ujian and stuff.

jadi,singkatnya,yang terjadi dalam hidup gue belakangan ini :


Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

New York

so yeah just watched the season finale of glee.well,i think it was awesome like every other episodes.santana,just santana.bartie did my cup on this episode and santana laughed a little.AAAWW WHY YOU SO CUTE SANNY.and then santana got mad at rachel.and i tell ya,that'll be my favorite part from this entire season.just......happiness
when english couldn't handle your at quinn's face tho
seriously?this is what you meant with "a bang"?another soulmate hug?seriously?NOT IMPRESSED.
s : i know something that can make you feel better AHAHAHAH she knows

so what i think about this episode is :
  • the bartie was so not cool.but i can't help it.they sang the most beautiful song in the world.MY CUP
  • the finchel.....well i kind of don't care about whatever.the superman kiss tho!!
  • the samcedes.AHAH sam going out with mercedes?AWESOME.darrent icha
  • the brittana was....well brittany's speech at the end was kind of great but i was hoping for more "i love you santana" AAAHHH "when did you get so smart?" AAAAHHH their relationship is awesome whatsoever
  • the klaine.OMG OMG OMG OMG.i'm about to blow here."i love you" "love you too" oh,just.......beautiful.
dear season 3,dear RIB,please give santana her bang.we're all ready for it.i mean,i like klaine,but they get together for like in 10 episodes or so.BUT BRITTANA?they're on the show for 44 episodes but still not together??i just want my brittana...........WHY?!?!?!?


OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG.okay,now i'm pretty sure i am falling for this woman

Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

yep.that was awkward....


the sound i just made.priceless

You know what sucks?

when you really care about a person that doesn't give any fuck about you at all.yea,that sucks.

Funeral and......MY CUP

so just watched glee s2e21 "funeral" full of the best episodes in glee.i have no more purpose in life.i'll watch glee forever!!!when sue gave the speech on her sister's funeral..........i can't even........omg all these feelings.this kind of episode is why i love watching glee.i mean,she loved her sister so freakin much,it kinda broke my heart when sue lost her sister.i almost freakin cry.and that speech is the most touching speech EVER.seriously guys.sooooo beautiful.


wait for it


and also

you should come to fondue for two and judge my cat 

yep,that was awesome.ah good times.oh and also when santana said

oh,well i got some feedback for you.I'M ABOUT TO GO ALL LIMA HEIGHTS.

work it girl.YES.santana did a very very magnificent job with "back to black".omg with that voice,i just.........i need a moment to calm myself from my freakin feelings.i never felt this way for a song,when she sings,i always feel something.oh how i adore her.

AND KURT.when he sang "some people".omg he's so gorgeous and his voice.i don't care if people say his voice sounds like a girl.i fucking love that with it haters.and he cried at jane's funeral.aaaw kurt.and even then he's still freakin handsome.

FUINN BROKE UP.and i was like,what took you so long finn?HAHA sorry.i don't like me crazy but i like finchel better.ah the breaking up scene was when finn shouted "DON'T YOU FEEL ANYTHING ANYMORE" and then quinn cried and said "are you happy?is this me feeling enough for you?" OMG so cool!!and her voice was kind of cracky and stuff.i'm into it.glad they broke up.quinn should be with sam and finn is better off single.....or gay.whatever.rachel and jesse?gaaahh i don't like jesse.but whatever i don't care about rachel.


sue hugged becky :') AH so fucking beautiful

enough about funeral.let's talk about MY CUP
so the new directions is going to do more original songs for nationals in new york and i heard brittany made a song called "my cup" HAHAAAA please listen to it.and yes,it would be better if brittany sings this with santana,not artie.BUT WHAT THE HELL,THIS SONG RULES.



Senin, 23 Mei 2011

kayaknya gue butuh istirahat

jadi tadi gue lagi ngelanjutin fanfic madesu chapter 11,tapi biasalah,gue suka nulis keterusan gak jelas.anjrit liat deh.klik gambar plis.tiba2 gue nulis sampah gituan.agak ngakak,tapi ya gak jelas gt HAHA klik oke?oke!gue butuh istirahat sejenak....seriously.


Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

I ship brittana and as far as i know,i'm straight

So I don't know about everyone else, but I'm really offended by people saying we only ship Brittana because they're gay.
We ship them for a lot of reasons, but it all really comes down to one reason.
We ship them because they’re more in love than anyone else on the show. 

Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

someone ships bartie

glee season 2 is over and the next season is months away

someone said kurt is ugly


HEY sahabat super!!ini jumat!seneng banget deh.pagi2 lemes gara2 ada ulangan tabuk sama remedial pkn.ah.ccd gue belom belajar.yaudalah ikuti arus.eheh ada yang ultah.

pokoknya yang gue inget pagi2 tuh darrent,fransis,michael para grup serbet pada main sabet2an HAHA.alay.mereka kayak hompimpa trus yang beda sendiri harus disabet pake serbet.darrent kena mulu HAHA kasian koko.masuk deh

harusnya pagi2 pelajaran pkn,tapi jeng..........pak veri masuk kelas kita.pak veri yang guru agama.jadi sunyi gimana gitu.pak veri "jadi kalian tau ada masalah apa?" fransis "sepatu jodi pak" pak veri "sepatu jodi kenapa?" ada gitu yang jawab "sepatu jodi bagus pak" HAHAHA menghancurkan suasana.tapi ya penting amat.ah coba ga ada yang ngaku,pasti seru kita sekelas bisa kompak gitu.jadi kayak di film2 tentang persahabatan.hahah ga jelas ya.yaudah deh gue diem.masalah ini..................endingnya cacat.

PKN.remedial ga jelas.tapi bu woro ngambek gt jadi kita boleh belajar dulu.padahal udah dikasih tau soalnya.yeay us.gue sho.cuma remedial dan waktunya mepet banget gara2 insiden bapak veri sama insiden ibu ngambek.jadi waktunya ngepas.

TABUK.langsung tabuk ada ips lagi di hidup kita hari ini.yah,padahal gue udah bawa bukunya.malah buku tabuk juga ga kepake.oh my.ulangan!yeay.dijagain sama bu emma rully.gue bingung cara nulis bu rully itu bu ruli ato bu rully.udah deh bu ruli aja ya bu.lebih enak diliatnya.trus gue sukses mengerjakan tabuk!senangnya.ok,super optimis.darrent sama fransis abal minjem kalkulator mulu.kalkulator gue juga abal sih.tapi kan emang buat dagang.maklumlah.gue kan udah selesai,trus tiba2 awkward eye contact sama bu ruli......................................

AGAMA.ngakak kita sama bu henny lagi.yang pimpin doa kezia.aaaaww.jadi kita belajar tentang biasalah,pelayanan gt.gue ga merhatiin.trus kan doi nanya "contoh pelayanan ini apa?" pada jawab kan "bakti sosial,blah,blah,panti jompo" michael parah.lalu kita nonton video tentang semut.yeay.ada semut macem2 intinya lagi pada bikin jamur.selesai deh.
"jadi,sifat2 semut yang tadi itu apa?" darrent "semut itu baik bu" HAHAH abal.lagi "apa yang harus kita lakukan setelah melihat video ini?" "jadi semut bu" HAHAH jawabannya ccd semua.
bu heni ato henny whatsoever tiba2 ngomong "silent please" HAHAH ms rini abis.doi lanjut lagi "saya cuma satu,sedangkan kalian itu tiga puluh.....berapa?" "25 bu" HAHAH "iya,bayangin dong.satu lawan 25 yang menang siapa?" anak2 malah pada nyolot "yang 1 lah bu" HAHAH kasian gt ya.
SUSUN KALIMAT.hey ini seru banget.kelompok gue ada bradley,sandra,zilin,eka,andre.kalimat hasil kita adalah.jeng jeng. "damai bersama satukan cantiknya bersama setan" HAHAHAH anjrit ini maksudnya apaan.kata yang gue tulis itu "cantiknya", "damai" bradley, "bersama" nomer 1 sandra, "satukan" zilin, "bersama" nomor 2 eka, "setan" andre.agak gak jelas gitu.udah bagus2 damai bersama dan hal2 positif,akhir2nya bersama setan.pikiran anak 8.1 ga bener.
ada lagi tuh kelompoknya chacha,fransis,dkk buat kalimatnya malah ga sesuai pembahasan "osama belajar bernyanyi seriosa bersama evodie" HAHAHAH cie evodie sahabat baru lagi.kerabat seriosa.

MAT.anak ultah.birthday boy.sebentar lagi masuk kelas.madesu udah pada siap.malah pake nyiapin gitar trus lilin doa dinyalain.ceritanya buat lilin ultah HAHA.birthday boy masuk.semua langsung pada


nyanyi deh.trus jodi maju menyerahkan lilin doa buat ditiup HAHA.di papan tulis udah ada tulisan "AKU SUKA PAK IWAN banget.Happy Birthday.matnya gampangin y@ paK...! :* muah" AHAHAH alay.apalagi yang y@ paK...! HAHA lucu gt ada titik2nya.happy birthday ya pak iwan!!makin sukses ya pak!!pak iwan "sebenernya hari ini bukan ulang tahun saya.tapi ulang tahun temennya temen pak iwan.tapi kayaknya saya terpaksa ulang tahun hari ini" HAHAH
belajar deh...........8.1 memalukan haha yaudahlah ikuti arus.selama pelajaran,tulisan di papan tulis ga dihapus sama pak iwan HAHA cie.trus malah dibaca sama doi "ini maksudnya apa muah muah?emang pak iwan bikin kalian muntah ya?" HAHAHA belajar,dikasihtau rumus gitu "sebaiknya kalian jangan ngasih tau rumus ini ke kelas lain.........nanti kalian diketawain soalnya kelas lain udah pada tau" NGOK."ya pokoknya kalian jangan rendah diri,yang penting hepi" HAHAH best.quote.ever.
tiba2 dari pintu muncul jessica,venna,fransis,darrent bawa kue trus niup2 mainan alay HAHA kok ada kue sih.gue aja gatau.tapi gapapa deh.ada permen gt.permennya dikasih ke aji sama kezia.

PULANG.biasalah,ga jelas.trus dita ngajarin teknik membunuh orang dengan cara mempletek lehernya HAHA pletek.pokoknya pake 2 jari peace gt.gue sama renata alay.setiap orang kita tanyain "eh mau dapet sensasi baru ga?" *dengan jari peace siap mempletek* HAHA ngeri.ekel juga jadi ga jelas.ah dia mah pencari sensasi.tapi ekel wajahnya lucu,jadi kayak "eh mau cari sensasi baru ga?" *dengan wajah lucu* HAHAH

JALAN.jadi gue,chacha,darrent,michael pada mau ke rumah fransis hari ini.kita berangkat deh.jalan kaki sampe rumah.di tengah jalan ada taneman gt.trus fransis "eh itu kalo lo tarik ntar muncul pocong di rumah lo" michael malah langsung narik2 banyak HAHAHAH gue "ntar pocong pada party di rumah lo mek" michael "oh iya,nama pembantu gue kan parti" HAHAH
nyampe!!disambut ramah.kita malah ngeliatin foto2 yang tergantung.masuk ke kamar fransis.ngancurin kasurnya,online,nonton film ga jelas,dengerin lagu,dll.anak2 cowok pada gowes dulu sementara gue sama chacha di kamar.biasalah,online,nonton,digangguin sama adeknya fransis yang gue lupa namanya.pokoknya cowok.udah panggil betty aja deh.soalnya michael manggil dia betty HAHA betty.
pas semua udah nyampe,kita makan dulu.udah kayak keluarga ga jelas makan bareng.kita malah bikin keluarga.gue jadi mami,fransis papi,chacha jadi cici,darrent jadi koko,michael jadi dedek,evodie dijadiin supir HAHAH ngakak kasian hadir sih.supir.
habis cowok,gantian gue,chacha,fransis gowes.gue lambat banget HAHA ketinggalan mulu alay.kan gue mau santai.tapi terpaksa ngebut gara2 dikejar kejar anjing.udah mana anjingnya bejibun gitu lagi HAHA.usaha gue bersantai=gagal total
ngumpul lagi deh semua.udah agak sore gitu,yang artinya...........GLEE.gue langsung ganti star world.dan yang lain pada ikutan nonton HAHA.jadi kita kayak nyamain sama cerita madesu.anjir seru banget teriak2 sambil nonton.udah gitu lampunya dimatiin jadi kayak di bioskop HAHA.kalo puck muncul,kita semua kayak "EH MICHAEL MICHAEL HAHA MOWHAWK HAHA MICHAEL JADIANNYA SAMA SI GEDE" kalo sam muncul,kita kayak "EH EH LIAT TUH DARRENT GANTENG BANGET" kalo finn muncul "EH LIAT ITU FRANSIS AAAWW GANTENG" gue "dulu dia supir taksi sama kuli loh" "HAHAHA FRANSIS SUPIR TAKSI" kalo mercedes muncul,kita kayak "YAHAHAH KAYAK GORILA" HAHAH ngakak.ada rachel "EH YASMINE YASMINE" ada quinn "WIH VENNA TUH VENNA" ada santana "LIAT SI NAOMI" ada artie "HAHA JODI CACAT" ada kurt "YAH EKA GANTENG BANGET" ada mike "ALBERT KOK GANTENG SIH?" HAHA ada karofsky di adegan lorong "HAHA EVODIE BANGET WOI" holly nyanyi turning tables "ih gila liriknya dalem banget" mercedes nyanyi ain't no way "WIH SI GORILA SUARANYA MANTEP" HAHA pokoknya nonton glee bareng2 itu seru woi.semua jadi kayak "kok gue jadi pengen nonton sih.ini kapan lagi diputernya?" HAHA YEAY ayo kita semua jadi gleeks!

yaaaaahhh pulang deh :( udah sore banget sih.jam 5.gue pulang baru nyampe jam 7.ternyata tadi nyokap jemput haha.haha.haha.haha.ha.ok gue mau tidur ya kawannn.capeknya.makasih buat hari ini ya madesu!special thanks to chacha fransis darrent michael

Kamis, 19 Mei 2011



BRB DIE out of a freakin weird sounded laughter

I love romance

because a touch of a fingertip is as sexy as it gets

i'm seriously confused with people these days.chris colfer is hot guys.i mean,look

now this is what i call a handsomehotbeautifulawesomecoolflawlessperfectwhatever man
AHAH some people was fantastic!!s2e21 "funeral" oh and of course santana did a fantabulous job on back to black.
and that gorgeous,is because your awesome heavenly angelic voice
kurt to rachel : Correction- you had feelings for him, he made breakfast on your head. oh kurt stop it you're so funny ahahah ahahah ahahah ahahah stop.
AHAHAH THIS.i will put this in here.because i do what i freakin want.

i watched this video for like so many times.and i tried to do the dougie and it was like i had a serious bone

i guess that is all.oh and also my mom is on her way home right nowww :) can't wait!oh how i love her.i mean,she's adorable and stuff.AND HEY MY LITTLE BRO IS HAVING HIS BIRTHDAY TODAY.okay,happy birthday joel!!i love that little,have a nice life everyone......

Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Quinn kissed Finn who kissed Rachel who kissed Puck who kissed Santana who kissed Brittany who kissed Artie who kissed Tina who kissed Mike

oh i totally get that

just some glee stuff.proudly so.

AHAHAH this man is flawless
HAHAHAH you little seductive baby penguin
i love her though
CHRIS.can i pet you hair please
where did all the blonde go?seriously,chord.where are they?

Senin, 16 Mei 2011


best cheerio ponytail.yep she got that right.
omg she's hilarious
“I actually had an acceptance speech prepared which I will pull out of my tits if you don’t mind…” okay
HEY GIRLFRIEND HAHA lol shippers can be such a joker sometimes.rachel's outfit tho

so why exactly did i cry?

sorry guys.for being very very very confusing for all of you.HEHEH okay.i'm gonna answer the question.i cried because i'm tired.i'm tired of being confused.confused about my feelings.this is not about the person that i'm falling in love with anymore,this is about me.the problem is me.seriously.i'm so confused about myself that i want to cry.okay,this is very private and very i'm not sure if i can tell this to anyone.i know this is dangerous blahblah.but i'm not ready.even though this thing is (what i think) so important because it kind of showing who i really am.get it?this thing that i'm over thinking is about who i am.and what i will become in the yeah,it's fucking frustrating.just like life and shit.and why does it hurt so bad?i don't know.fuck,all i need is the truth and i'll accept me for who i am.honestly,i will.if i know the truth already.

you know why i'm afraid to tell?because i'm afraid of the whispers behind my back.and i'm afraid of how people are going to yeah,i'm pretty much not ready.

hah i'm such a drama queen.but the hell with it.i'm not gonna lie or be hypocritical in this situation because......junior high and high school are all about dramas.i guess......enjoy the dramas as long as we can.because it won't last that long.

Madesu:No Trust=No Relationship

okay.i got a request from someone to do a chapter about angst,okay,why not?talking about a few yasmine's and anya's.and also tada (tasya darrent).here goes.chapter 10.oh and no,i won't change venna into a bisexual.seriously ven?a bi?nope.not gonna ruin franna......for now.

chacha was on her locker.checking through some stuff.she already hung a picture of evodie and her on her locker door.that picture.evodie was hugging chacha from her behind.they were at a beautiful place.there was a lake behind them.the sun was shining was good was when they were having their second date.yea,they couldn't forget that moment.chacha was smiling,so was,chacha's mind was gone for a few seconds while daydreaming and memorizing that beautiful moment.until naomi came to her locker that was next to chacha's.

"hello?god chacha.why are you always daydream about something?" said naomi

"huh?what?hey naomi" said chacha with a smile

naomi rolled her eyes then she smiled "okay.hey to you too"

"so,you and michael are official now?" she said

"well....." said naomi "WE ARE" she said again while hopping around

"wow that's cool.congrats"

"thanks.ugh finally i get to be with that four eyed badass.give me some" said naomi while raising her hand asking for a high five

chacha gave her a high five "you go girl" she said "hey,i gotta go to class.see you later?"


both of them went to class.chacha went to painting class and naomi went to spanish.they had different classes.

the bell rang.the students went to the cafeteria.anya was sitting alone on one of the tables.ugh how can i get michael?he's with that crazy ass bitch now.she thought.she was looking right at michael and naomi who was eating their lunch together like a freakin happy couple.wait,hold i even like michael?i mean,he's hot and all but....i kinda don't know him.BUT,i can be popular if i date him and i think he's cool and all.she thought about stuff.then she realized,michael was the boy of her dreams.

school was over.evodie came to chacha.they were in the hallway.

"hey cha"

"hey.what is it?"

"i'm just wandering if we could hang out after madesu club"

"um....sorry,i can't"

after she said that,she walked somewhere.evodie was confused.he followed her.then he saw chacha whispering darrent in front of madesu club.she was smiling.laughing.whispering.darrent.what the hell?then she entered the choir room with darrent.evodie went inside too.time for madesu club.but this time,evodie wasn't sitting next to made her confused.

madesu club was over.chacha went straight outside with darrent.evodie was furious.he went back home immediately with a hot head.meanwhile,yasmine was sitting on the piano chair.she wasn't sure what she was doing.she was alone.she felt alone.until she heard someone coming.

"you can play?" he said

yasmine turned around and she saw a guy.alfons.of course.he was the piano man right.and he was also a student there.actually,he was one of madesu club's member,but nobody really noticed him "um,no" she said

"well,what are you doing then?"

"i'm just......sitting here.waiting for anything to happen"

"yea,i get that" he said

"how come you never sing?i mean,i saw you like so many times here"

he giggled "well,i kinda like pianos and stuff.but my voice isn't really that good"

"aw come on.sing a song would you?"

"i don't think so" he said

"oh well.but can you at least teach me how to play this stuff?" said yasmine while pointing at the piano

alfons smiled.he sat next to her and started playing with his flexible hands.random things.but it still sounded cute and awesome and all.he finished

"okay,that was cool.seriously" she said

"thanks" he said smiling and showing his amazingly shiny teeth "um i was wondering...."

"what is it?"

"um...maybe we" he was looking at the floor

"movies?,pick me up tomorrow at seven?great" she said smiling and went away

he smiled.he was kind of in to yasmine from first sight.a date with her would be perfect.but hell,he was excited and nervous.

at the evening,evodie decided to come over to chacha's house.he didn't call her yet.he wanted to surprise there he was,driving his car on his way to chacha's.he parked his car in front of her house.nobody was seemed so quiet and calm.maybe her parents were out of town.he thought.he knocked the front answer.but then he heard chacha's voice on the back yard.he peeked from the fence.

and again,he saw chacha and darrent.

what the hell is going on here?darrent was riding a bike and he was ridiculously fell and fell again from his bike.chacha was helping him to ride a bike.okay,something is going on here and i need to find out what.he went inside through the fence.chacha stopped her laugh and just stared at did darrent.

"yea,um....i better go" said darrent

then darrent went home with his bike.he crashed an apple tree.the apples were all over the place and hit his head.but he was like "I'M FINE.DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME" shouting.after that,he ride his bike.he didn't even know how,but he managed to do it,even though he hit so many trees and people's fences.

chacha was still staring at evodie.silence filled the air.evodie was just looking at her with an angry look.he turned around and went to his car.

"evodie,wait!it's not what you think it is!" said chacha trying to chase him.

evodie was already in his car.he opened the window and said "oh.i'm not that stupid're cheating on me with him.fine" then he drove back to his house.chacha was standing on the sidewalk,confused about what will she do.and what will she tell him.

the next day was school day.anya was hanging out in the hallway.she saw is my chance.she walked to his direction.and talked to him

"hey michael" she said while leaning on the lockers

"what's up ms hot volleyball player?" he said while still searching on some books on his locker

"i was wandering if we"

"hold it right know i'm dating naomi right?"

"yeah,but....she's just a bitch"

"hey,watch it ab lady.that's ma gurl you're talking about" he said with a different tone "but yea,she's kind of a bitch"

"so......maybe we could..."

"a bitch that i'm in love with.sorry hot stuff.catch you later" he said while closing his locker then walked away.

whoa.that was weird.okay,harder than i thought.i need some plans.but when anya was thinking about stuff,naomi took her shoulder and turned her around.

"hey you messing with my boy?" said naomi

"your boy?" said anya

"yeah.who do you think you are new kid?"

"i am the girl who will date michael and you are the girl who will get dumped" she said

naomi laughed "you know what?you're just a stupid girl with a stupid're not good enough for him honey.actually,you're not good enough for anything.get over it" she said "now run along biatch"

anya was kind of down after that.she walked away.yes,she was cool and all,but she's still just a girl.with problems.what naomi just said was reminded her of her father.anya's father used to say mean things to her she's not good hurts.anya didn't realize her tears were falling.pain.she was in felt like everything felt like she was stabbed right on her heart.she went to the girl's bathroom and started crying.she sat and leaned her back to the wall.

why does it hurts so fucking bad?

then the door opened.she saw someone.tasya.she saw anya too.she came to her with a confused look.

"girlfriend,what is wrong with you?" said tasya

"i'm fine.just.......leave me alone" said anya

"hey,come here" said tasya while holding anya and hugged her.she brushed anya's hair and let her cry on her shoulder "you want to talk about it?"

"i'm just so fucking tired.i'm just.........argh i'm just tired of people and their stupid shit.i'm tired of the judging,i'm tired of the talks,i'm tired of the bitching.i'm tired of everything"

"there there.i guess that is life right?"

"but why?i mean......ugh forget it.maybe i'm just confused about my feelings for a person"

"well,i can only tell you is hard.people have problems.and if you're confused about how you feel for a person,you just have to think about it"

"you think i haven't?i think about it all the time and this is slowly killing me.i just need to know the truth.why?why do i have to go through this?"

"i can't answer that.but i'll tell you is this,if it's love,then it'll made you happy everytime you think of this person.if thinking of this person made you sad and cry like this,then it's not"

the room was filled with silence.tasya was still holding her.they skipped a few periods.just sitting there.tasya took her ipod.played it on random.they both were listening to the song.

You made me insecure,
Told me I wasn't good enough.
But who are you to judge,
When you're a diamond in the rough.

tasya started singing.but with a low voice

I'm sure you got somethings,
You'd like to change about yourself.
But when it comes to me,
I wouldn't wanna be anybody else

anya sang with her.they sat and sang together

Na na na na na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na na na na na

I'm no beauty queen,
I'm just beautiful me.

Na na na na na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na na na na na

You've got every right,
To a beautiful life.
Come on!

Who says,
Who says you're not perfect,
Who says you're not worth it,
Who says you're the only one that's hurting,

Trust me,
That's the price of beauty,
Who says you're not pretty,
Who says your not beautiful,

Who says.

"naomi,she can be such a bitch sometimes" said anya

tasya chuckled "she is,silly.don't worry.everything is going to be okay" said tasya "friends?" 

"yea,you're cool.friends" they shaked their hands.


it was time for football practice for the jocks.fransis,michael and evodie was there in the boy's locker room.they were changing their clothes and they talked about stuff

"how's your dating life fransis?" said michael

" is awesome man.venna is....oh my god,she's just the most beautiful person in the world.and i gotta tell ya',i'm not gonna let her go this time" said fransis "oh and how's yours?hey,i know we got problems in the past,but it's over right?" 

then michael answered "of course.take venna,i don't care.i already got my angel,naomi.i mean,dude,she's hot and all.but i just.....there's something different about her" 

"can we please not talk about this?" said evodie

"um,why?are you having your periode or something?" said michael

"oh yeah,what up with you and chacha?i haven't seen you guys together lately.something going on?" said fransis

"guys,please.stop.i'm not in the mood" said evodie

"oh come on vod,she's just a girl.tell us" said michael

"no she's not!!" said evodie standing up and punched the locker beside michael's face.michael was shocked "she's not just a girl michael.she's not" 

"so,she's the girl of your dreams then?" said fransis

"no.she's not the girl of my dreams.she is better than the girl of my dreams.she is real guys.she's real" he said while looking down and sat on the bench "and now she's cheating on me with that blonde head" 

"wait,what?" said fransis

"hey,hold it vod.the blonde kid?no way man.i mean,he's not the other guy me,i'm an expert on this thing" said michael

"whatever.go practice guys.i'll catch you up later" said evodie

fransis and michael went outside to the football field.evodie was just sitting on the bench.thinking about stuff.she is real.but then,he heard someone was on the door.he got up and he saw chacha.

"evodie,please let me explain" she said

"no need to do that"

"but i'm not cheating on you with darrent.i was just helping him with day,he came to me and he asked for my help and i just.."

"stop.okay,stop with the crap cha.i'm not an idiot" 

"i know you're not.that's why i want to explain it to you" 

"it's fine know,i thought you've changed.i thought you love me.but,i guess i was wrong" he said

"of course i love you.i do" she said 

"STOP SAYING THAT.i am not a toy.and i don't want you to say something that you don't even mean.i hate it.i hate it when people act like they actually care" he said shouting and knocked the lockers

chacha started crying.she never saw this kind of evodie.never.ever.ever.ever "fine.if you don't believe me,then i guess this relationship is just a waste of time" she said walking to the door

evodie was crushed.he was sad and pathetic.he leaned his back into the locker and sat there.he took his phone and opened his playlist.he played it on random.and he promised himself to sing whatever song come out.the music started playing.he knew this song right away.chacha was still inside the locker room,but evodie didn't know that.she heard the music started playing.and she heard evodie started singing.

Picture perfect memories
Scattered all around the floor
Reaching for the phone 'cause
I can't fight it anymore

chacha couldn't help but to stay and listen to evodie.she really liked it when he sang

And I wonder if I
Ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time

It's a quarter after one
I'm all alone
And I need you now
Said I wouldn't call
But I've lost all control
And I need you now

And I don't know how
I can do without
I just need you now

chacha leaned her back on the locker too.but the locker was on the other side of evodie' they couldn't see each other.she was just sitting and listening to him.

Another shot of whiskey
Can't stop looking at the door
Wishing you'd come sweeping
In the way you did before

And I wonder if I
Ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time

It's a quarter after one
I'm a little drunk
And I need you now
Said I wouldn't call
But I've lost all control
And I need you now

And I don't know how
I can do without
I just need you now

chacha was smiling.hearing his voice made her smile.

Whoa, whoa
Guess I'd rather hurt
Than feel nothing at all

It's a quarter after one
I'm all alone
And I need you now
And I said I wouldn't call
But I'm a little drunk
And I need you now

she stayed there to listen to the last part

And I don't know how
I can do without
I just need you now

after that,she got up,went to the door and went outside.evodie didn't realize that either.he thought he was alone.and.......tears built up on his cheeks.i love her...........

chacha was mad.of course.her boyfriend didn't trust her.she went to her locker,opened it,and took the picture of evodie and her.she rip it out,tear it out into pieces,and just threw it on the floor.after that,she went to the parking lot and meet up with naomi.she's the only one that could cheer her up in a time like this.evodie saw that.he walked towards the ripped picture and looked at it.the picture of them.he kept that ripped picture and he continued the football practice.


it was the night.the night of their first date.alfons and yasmine.alfons saw the was 7.59 pm and he was already in front of yasmine's house.he used some of his breath perfume but ended up choking on it.after the choking incident,he knocked the door.yasmine's father answered it


"um, yasmine here?" said alfons

"well in fact.yes,son.and who are you?" 

"i'm alfons,um....we have a date this evening" said alfons while offering his hand,but yasmine's father didn't shake it,so he pulled his hand back

"so alfons,do you like drugs?" 

"uh what?" 

"you know.drugs,alcohol,party and stuff?" 

"no sir" 

yasmine came and alfons was like thank god.

"um,shall we go?" said yasmine

"let's" said alfons

they went to his car and yasmine's father was still outside the door and watching both of them.scary dude.but then they drove to the cinema and decided to watch a horror movie.alfons didn't agree at the first place,but yasmine insisted him.oh well,they watched it.alfons was scared to death,unlike yasmine.she just sat there,watching the screen,and eating popcorns with a 'lol seriously this is not scary at all' look.

the movie ended.they went to sevel matraman after that.

"um,the movie" said alfons 

"you kidding?it's like watching your grandma's boredom" said yasmine while trying to eat her big bite 

"i mean.yeah,it sucks" said alfons

the date went pretty well.yasmine didn't see alfons's nervousness.well,she was kind of happy and all.the date ended.nothing special really.but finally.finally,yasmine didn't feel so lonely like she always feels.alfons was the only one who wanted to talk to her and made her feel......fufilled


the next day was school day.evodie still wasn't talking to chacha even though he felt so heartbroken.he was still in love with her.that's for sure.she was too.but she felt betrayed.and it wasn't a very good feeling.even though she missed him so badly.anya and tasya became best friends.they always walked around school together.anya didn't really think about michael that much anymore.maybe she was wrong.maybe michael wasn't the boy of her,she wanted to focus on her.not michael.

so it was time for madesu club.routine solo assignment was on.chacha's turn.she went inf front of the choir room and started singing.before she sang,she said some stuff

"um,okay.i'm going to sing this because jesus came to my dream the other night and..........he was nice.he brought some rabbits with him.i think it was,he told me to sing this song.enjoy"

the whole club was looking at her with a weird look.she started singing.

I miss your soft lips. I miss your white sheets.
I miss the scratch of your un-shaved face on my cheek.
And this is so hard cause I didn't see
that you were the love of my life and it kills me. 

I see your face in strangers on the street.
I still say your name when I'm talking in my sleep.
And in the limelight, I play it off fine. 

But I can't handle it when I turn off my night light.
But I can't handle it when I turn off my night light. 

she was clearly looking at evodie.but she turned away.she couldn't help it.she was still in love with him

They say that true love hurts, well this could almost kill me.
Young love murder, that is what this must be.
I would give it all to not be sleeping alone. 

The life is fading from me while you watch my heart bleed.
Young love murder, that is what this must be.
I would give it all to not be sleeping alone. 

Remember the time we jumped the fence when
the Stones were playing and we were too broke to get in.
You held my hand and then made me cry while
I swore to God it was the best night of my life. 

Or when you took me across the world, we
promised that this will last forever but now I see.
It was my past life, a beautiful time 

she remembered all those moments.those moments when evodie and her doing stuff together.and especially,their first date

Drunk off of nothing but each other till the sun rise. 
Drunk off of nothing but each other till the sun rise. 

They say that true love hurts, well this could almost kill me.
Young love murder, that is what this must be.
I would give it all to not be sleeping alone. 

The life is fading from me while you watch my heart bleed.
Young love murder, that is what this must be.
I would give it all to not be sleeping alone.

the song ended.the club gave her claps.she smiled.


it was after madesu club,darrent was waiting on the parking lot with a bike with a passanger seat.then tasya came out of the school.

"TA-DAH!" he said to her

"oh my god darrent" she said smiling.almost laughing "seriously?a bike?" 

"yeah.come on,please.i studied to ride one of these for like a week" he said "please.go out with me on this bike"

she giggled "of course" 

darrent ride the bike and tasya sat on the passanger was hilarious.darrent hit so many trees...........again.and this time,a mango many mangos falling.

"okay.hold it brother.let's just sit here and eat mangos" said tasya "i don't want to hit anything again" 

they sat under the tree and peeled some date ever.

chacha went to her locker to grab some stuff.she opened her locker and she found a picture.the picture that she already ripped was fixed by tapes.and there was a small note on the picture 

"everything can be fixed cha-Evd"

OKAY FINISH!! has been awhile guys haha.hope you like this though.and the next chapter is probably what you're all waiting for.the love triangle of jessica,jodi,and so,i think this chapter is awesome whatsoever.because i think trust is important.seriously is.think about it.oh and i showed a little friendship of tanya (tasya anya) because friends i right?of course i am.thanks guys.the songs are who says-selena gomez,need you now-lady antebellum,and of course,the harold song-kesha.oh and lol'd at yasmine's date and also when darrent hit so many trees and fences.ah happy you guys!remember,everything can be fixed ;) 

Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

Saturday For Forever

HAI.gue mau cerita tentang kemaren.hari sabtu.ok,jadi kita udah ngerencanain seminggu sebelumnya kalo kita bakal jalan2.yeay!!ke ancol lagi.bareng naomi,chacha,venna,fransis,darrent,evodie,michael.berdelapan.akhirnya hari sabtu dateng juga.gue ga bisa tidur.malah nonton film ga jelas gitu tentang pembunuh profesional.tapi akhirnya gue berhasil tidur.paginya gue bangun jam 6...............kita mo ngumpul jam 8.

ok gue nyampe udah ada venna,michael,darrent, ada ruth ekel bradley alfons nongkrong.gue ke alfamart dulu deh.laper.HEHEHEH.akhirnya gue venna sama ruth ke alfamart.darrent sama michael ngikut.jajan dulu ahay.balik deh.udah.kita nungguin fransis,evodie,chacha,naomi.nelpon naomi,venna "ayo buruan mi,tinggal lo doang nih" HAHA.

akhirnya naomi dateng,begitu pula fransis.masih nungguin chacha sama evodie.venna nelpon chacha "buruan cha,tinggal lo doang nih" HAHA pendusta.tapi cara itu selalu berhasil.chacha dateng.tinggal tunggu seorang lagi.cacad lama banget.ternyata evodie masih nyari sarapan HAHA.doi nyampe juga,terakhir.pake baju kuning,celana panjang coklat ga jelas,sepatu biru,tas merah.semua pada kayak "ga matching banget sih lo vod" HAHA.dia dianterin bonyoknya.trus kita kayak "eh ayo kita liat bokap nyokapnya evodie" "ayo,pengen liat gue" HAHA populer.pas liat "oh gitu".trus evodie disuruh pipis dulu sama nyokapnya HAHAHA.biar nggak ngompol.ya tuhan....................................

BERANGKAT.naek busway.gue sama venna alay balapan di jembatan busway.tapi gue menang.suck it.yaudah kita di bus berdiri...................dan bahas hal2 ga jelas.

NYAMPE!YEAY.masuk.venna minta balapan lagi,dia malah lari sendiri.kasian.trus kita jadi inget2 pas tas alfons dilempar sama fransis dari jembatan.hmm good times,good times.kan ada tuh yang bus gratis buat keliling ancol,kita tadinya mau naek itu.tapi ceritanya gini.

kita:*mendekati bus* 
bus:*mengeluarkan suara dangdut*
michael:ah bus dangdut,males gue
fransis:iya,udah udah,jalan kaki aja

HAHAHA kita jalan kaki deh ke laut.ada yang berandal uy.sampe juga akhirnyaaaaa.tapi lautnya serem gitu.berkabut dan kayak ga berujung.terang banget.darrent "WIH surga" HAHA alay.venna sama naomi ganti jadi celana pendek.yang pake celana panjang cuma si kuning.kita langsung disamperin bapak2 perahu.tapi ya pada duduk2 habis capek berjalan.

NAIK KAPAL.cuma duduk2,main main.trus bapak2nya "ayo dek,berdiri di ujung aja,kayak film tetanus" AHHAHAHA kita semua pada kayak "AYOK YOK,KAYAK YANG DI FILM TETANUS ITULOH" HAHA.sisanya cuma foto2,makan permen,duduk2,berpose ala tetanus,main air,dsb.
 menikmati pemandangan 
 titanic ria
 kepiting yang nemu di laut
michael:wah indah sekali.darrent:oh tidak.evodie:i miss you.......AHAHHA

mahal banget 20 ribu.habis naek kapal,kita makan di cfc abal mahal alay jelek ccd.tapi sebelom itu,kita main ayunan dll.begitu banyak kejadian...........

trus kita nongkrong aja di batu2.duduk2,anginnya enak gimana gt.trus malah pada galau abal HAHA sinetron banget.
 keren gitu ya
rambut michael

habis itu ke jembatan.di tengah perjalanan,ada maskot bebek ciki.digangguin sama darrent HAHAHA.padahal bebeknya udah mo kabur gitu,tapi ditarik tarik ekornya.
wajah darrent bahagia hidup penuh warna

di jembatan banyak angin oi.adem.trus pager2nya dicorat coretin alay semua HAHA.evodie kan duduk nyender ke pager,disebelah doi ada tulisan "ROSIH NDUT" HAHA jadi kasian setiap vodie ngomong pasti pada "apa lo ndut" HAHA

 wajah pedagang sukses
 cie vodie sahabat baru

dari situ,kita lanjut lagi jalan2.ada deretan toko kacamata sama topi.darrent mau beli HAHA udah gitu dia milihnya yang kacamata om om.
HAHAHA darrent "sepuluh ribu ya bang" abang tukang kacamata "ga bisa om" HAHA cie om darrent.fransis "eh mulai dari sekarang kita panggil dia koko darrent" HAHA koko.trus lanjut lagi jalan2.ada toko jam tangan,kalung,syal persija.tokonya dirusuhin sama darrent dan michael.diobok obok tapi akhirnya ga beli HAHA padahal ada kalung band2 gt lho.kayak ungu,kotak,dsj.ada kalung yang tulisannya i miss you.semua liat ke vodie HAHA.evodie sama fransis malah ngomongin tompelnya darrent.evodie "iya,dulu kecoret spidol,trus ga bisa dihapus" HAHAHA michael pake kemeja kotak2,boyband.ada bapak2 nawarin naek kapal 5 ribu.sialan,kita ditipu sama bapak tetanus.

kita memutuskan untuk nyewa sepeda.tapi mesti pake sim atau stnk gitu.yahah ngga ada yang punya.akhirnya kita nyewa sim dari tukang jualan topi.naik sepeda deh.cihuy asiknya.enak oi.seru.tapi kita cuma bisa nyewa 6,jadi 2 orang ga ikut.bonceng membonceng.udah lama ga naek sepeda.

akhirnya pulang deh huhu.naik busway lagi.trus "eh ke sevel yok!" "ayok!!" akhirnya gue,darrent,chacha,fransis,michael,evodie ke sevel salemba.venna sama naomi pulang.kita makan makan,cerita2,dengerin lagu ungu yang diputer terus menerus.pokoknya seru banget.lagi ada yang curhat,michael berulah mulu.dia sok nyanyi2 lagu ungu.menghancurkan suasana abis.

pulangnya naek busway lagi.tapi dibayarin sama evodie.di bus,kan berdiri gt di tengah2.bercandaan.ketawa mulu,kenceng banget lagi.fransis "evodie jadi spongebob" HAHAH ngakak masa tiba2 ngomongin spongebob.fransis jadi squidward,michael jadi plankton HAHAH habis itu,saking berisiknya,pundak gue dicolek colek sama seseorang.kayaknya mas2 jaga pintu HAHA chacha mau pegangan tiang,tapi ga sengaja malah megang lengan bapak2 HAHAH dipencet gt.

MAKASIH YA BUAT KEMAREN.i'm not good at these emotional stuff....and guys are priceless.i will remember this forever.BECAUSE SATURDAY IS FOR FOREVER